I didn't get butter out of the freezer, and it was too cold and rainy to go out and buy an avocado, so I pretended I was in Spain and blessed the masa madre toast with olive oil, which created a magically delightful breakfast. Even better than delish.
I didn't get butter out of the freezer, and it was too cold and rainy to go out and buy an avocado, so I pretended I was in Spain and blessed the masa madre toast with olive oil, which created a magically delightful breakfast. Even better than delish.
I snuck a piece and ate it straight up. Who knew that only four ingredients could combine to produce such a multi-dimensional product? Delish. But the real test will come in the morning, when I toast some of it for my cold salmon breakfast sandwich. Stay tuned for the report.
I have plenty of sourdough starter, both white and whole wheat, to share with anyone that would like to get started baking sourdough bread. We could meet at Starbucks in Morelia. Just drop a comment or send an email to: hello@mountaintopkitchen.com … Let’s bake sourdough!
I didn't get butter out of the freezer, and it was too cold and rainy to go out and buy an avocado, so I pretended I was in Spain and blessed the masa madre toast with olive oil, which created a magically delightful breakfast. Even better than delish.
I didn't get butter out of the freezer, and it was too cold and rainy to go out and buy an avocado, so I pretended I was in Spain and blessed the masa madre toast with olive oil, which created a magically delightful breakfast. Even better than delish.
The fancy Weck canning jars I see. Classy.
I hope you enjoyed the bread. 🍞😀
I snuck a piece and ate it straight up. Who knew that only four ingredients could combine to produce such a multi-dimensional product? Delish. But the real test will come in the morning, when I toast some of it for my cold salmon breakfast sandwich. Stay tuned for the report.
I have plenty of sourdough starter, both white and whole wheat, to share with anyone that would like to get started baking sourdough bread. We could meet at Starbucks in Morelia. Just drop a comment or send an email to: hello@mountaintopkitchen.com … Let’s bake sourdough!