What is meringue powder, and where do you buy it? More importantly, what is it called in Mexico, and where can it be sourced here?

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Meringue powder (optional) can be found at any “materias primas” or bakery supply store. There are 2 such supply stores near Mercado Revolución (San Juan). It’s basically dried egg whites that are used to stabilize cream cheese frosting which tends to be not a firm as American buttercream. In Spanish, it’s a close English cognate: polvo de merengue. Happy baking! Will you be trying this recipe soon? Give it a go! 🧁

I’d be careful about picking any up at a traditional spice or dry goods shop as they tend to contaminate the containers by transferring scoops between them. I learned that the hard way from experience, unless of course you like garlic-flavored cupcakes!

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